Why do Engineers Need to Study Humanities?

Engineering and Humanities

Throughout human civilisation, the study of humanities has been considered as one of the noblest pursuits. Humanities help us study and appreciate various languages and cultures that have existed throughout history. Studying humanities enables us to make sense of the spiritual, intellectual, and philosophical leaders who have existed in the past, and the wisdom shared by them over the years. Many science and humanities colleges in Nashik offer cutting-edge programs in this stream to train the next generation of critical thinkers and philosophers.

On the other hand, engineering is a completely tech-oriented area of study. Engineers deal with science and mathematics to create sound structures or designs. So when the study of humanities has a lot to do with culture, languages, and history, and engineering deals with maths and science, why is it necessary for engineers to study humanities? Let’s find out.

Importance of Humanities in Engineering

  1. Personal Development

As engineering is an analytical and scientific field, sometimes candidates pursuing the field tend to lose touch with their idealistic tendencies. They grapple with mathematical formulas and scientific theories, while distancing themselves from culture and art in the process.

Hence, it is very important for engineers to study humanities to help them reconnect with the aspects of the human psyche that gives life meaning. Top humanities colleges in Nashik offer engineering students an opportunity to pursue humanities to enhance their personal development in a holistic manner.

  1. Societal Progress

For any society to progress there must exist a balance between their analytical and philosophical entities. As engineers are responsible for finding scientific and realistic solutions to problems, it is important that they are guided by the principles of humanities to make conscious decisions.

The study of humanities instils a sense of responsibility, ownership, and promotes resolution of conflicts in a wholesome manner. Studying humanities helps engineers balance science with societal wellbeing to make better decisions in their industry.

  1. Skill Enhancement

Studying humanities also helps engineers build on their soft skills and develop their overall personality. People who study humanities are better communicators, critical thinkers, efficient team members, and critical problem solvers. They also have better emotional intelligence and a greater understanding of various cultures.

Basically, studying humanities helps engineers become sensitive persons who are more in tune with nature and the wellbeing of society as a whole. These professionals are often responsible for making decisions that impact the lives of thousands of people. These skills combined help them make better decisions.

  1. Safeguarding Global Culture

Many top basic science and humanities’ colleges in Nashik focus on teaching students about different cultures and languages that have had an immense impact on humankind. Studying such cultures and historic facts helps keep the past alive. It is very essential for future generations to have a thorough understanding of the past and a deep-rooted appreciation of different cultures to lead a wholesome life.

Engineering students usually have an educational background steeped in scientific studies, leaving them devoid of lessons in history, foreign languages, and cultural studies. Pursuing humanities can fill the gap in their education, and help safeguard global cultures for future generations.


Engineering is undoubtedly an important sphere of study which has been around for centuries. Engineers are and will always be treated with extreme respect due to the advancements and developments they bring about for society as a whole. Studying humanities can help engineers gain an essential edge over their competitors in the field as they will gain the required knowledge and understanding about diverse subjects. Many science and humanities courses are designed to help engineers gain the required knowledge in the sphere of humanities. If you are genuinely interested in amplifying your education and skills then consider pursuing humanities as an engineer. Good luck!